Friday, July 16, 2010

What a month!

So I have always loved my job. I love meeting new people and educating them on the market and making their real estate experience fun and enjoyable. More than not there is always something that happens in a transaction that might be considered a crisis but in the end it seems to work out for the most part.

However, this month has been one of the most interesting and bizarre times in my whole career!

I have represented a very inconsiderate, or unlucky, or fraudulent buyer. (probably fraudulent but I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt)

One buyer asked me to show them houses, praised my real estate knowledge, and even had me write an offer for them. (That was ultimately rejected) Then yesterday I got an email from them saying they bought a house and used the listing agent to get a better deal.

Side note: You do not get a better deal by using the listing agent to buy a property. However, the listing agent gets a better commission.

I have had a Realtor's client call me to tell me they don't understand the contract their Realtor just submitted for them to purchase my clients house. I mean, if you don't understand a real estate contract you should probably say something to the Realtor that is representing you before they submit it and it gets accepted.

Now, the absolute most bizarre thing happened today. I found a rider (a sign that attaches to a sign) on one of my listings with a "text for info" number on it. I do not use this service and I did not attach this to my listing sign. I mean, it was bolted and secured tight onto my sign! Out of curiosity I text the number for more info. The text I get back says;

13 bedroom 13 bath
Tacoma WA

I would love to get my sellers $549,900 for there 2 acre lake lot (ski from 1-4) but that just isn't gonna happen. Oh, and it's in Indiana. Not Washington.

I called the number and spoke to the agent and asked her if she had any idea how her rider ended up bolted to my sign. She was just as dumbfounded as I was! I mean, really? Does this stuff happen to other agents? I would really like to know!